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MEH launches it's Diamond Rod Handler

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

For years there has been limited innovation in the space of diamond drill rod handling on exploration drill rigs. With a limited range of aftermarket rod handlers specifically designed to handle both diamond and RC pipe, MEH set about designing a multipurpose handler.

Diamond rod handler

The MD1500 Diamond rod loader is a multipurpose rod handler capable of handling rods from NQ through to 6 5/8 casing. The self centering jaw design ensures that the rods are self centered under the head each time with no manual adjustments for changes in pipe size. The jaw provides a grip that encloses the pipe diameter, preventing the chance of a knock drop that is possible with some other loader designs. Each jaw contains a fail safe locking system so that the jaw remains closed in the event of a hydraulic line failure. A built-in dead-mans switch on the console prevents any unintentional opening of the jaws. Each jaw is fitted with replicable die tongs, which allow for quick change out of high wear parts.

The loader provides operational flexibility, through a 3-axis movement capability. The main boom has over 135 degrees of motion allowing drilling angles of up to 45 degrees. Vertical lift and drop is controlled through a traverse slide on the side of the mast. Finally rotary slew into and out of the mast is operated through a rotary actuator. This range of motion provides the best mix of flexibility and speed, by limiting the free motion and maintaining a constant for rod loading and unloading. This has proved to provide the most efficient tripping speed possible.

The MD1500 diamond rod loader is supplied with it's own operators console which can be mounter to the existing drillers console. Proportional hydraulic valving provides for smooth operation of the main boom. In this installation the rod loader was matched with undermount 12" double breakout and will be operated with MEH's RPS 1100 Automated Rod Presenter. This combination allows for complete handsfree handling of drill pipe.

Diamond rod handler

MEH is committed to always finding a better way to drill for our clients. If you are looking for a handsfree diamond rod handling solution, MEH provides a range of solutions from fully automated to semi-handsfree solutions.

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